City Council Agenda for Tuesday, May 21, 2024

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.

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1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Call to Order
- Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
3. Approval of Agenda
- Council Changes
- Staff Changes
4. Approval of Minutes
A. May 7, 2024
5. Audience Participation (10-minute time limit for items not on the agenda)
6. Consent Agenda 
7. Scheduled Public Hearings
8. Old Business 
A. Updates to Unified Development Ordinance Relating to Accessory Buildings, Swimming Pools, and Solar Energy Systems (Ordinance #90)
B. Adopting Updated Supplement to the Code of Ordinances (Ordinance #91)
9. Regular Agenda
A. Adopt Summary Publication of Ordinance #90 (Resolution #27)
B. Solid Waste Collection Request for Proposals
C. Union Drive Right-of-Way Purchase Agreement (Resolution #29)
D. Great Plains Natural Gas Main Extension Agreement (Resolution #30)
E. Accountant Position
F. Update to 2024 Part-Time Seasonal Pay Plan (Resolution #31)
G. Friends of the Library Donation (Resolution #32)
10. Other Items and Communications
A. Council Items
B. Staff Items
11. Paid Bills and Claims – For Informational Purposes
A. City of Redwood Falls Accounts Payable Summary
12. Adjournment
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