Redwood Falls Municipal Airport

Redwood Falls Municipal Airport

The Redwood Falls Municipal Airport is located east on Highway 71/19 and County Road 1. Categorized as a general aviation airport, the facility has main paved runway of 4,000 feet by 100 feet wide; and a crosswind grass runway. The facility has a terminal building, maintenance hangar, 15 t-hangars available for rent, and fuel dispensing facilities. The Federal Aviation Administration, National Weather Service operates a weather station and the airport also has an automated weather instrument system. The Airport is managed by the City of Redwood Falls. An FBO (Fixed Based Operator) is available to provide airplane maintenance services. Contact Fuhr Flying Service at 507-829-5650.

Redwood Falls Airport

Airport Information

MN Department of Transportation Aeronautics
Airport Office Space

Office Space For Rent Redwood Falls Airport

Out grown your current office space? Concerned about the cost of building new? Check out the affordable space we have to offer. Call for showing!

  • Professional Setting - Convenient Location
  • Progressive annual rates starting at - $5 per square foot

Location: 500 Airport Road, Redwood Falls, MN 56283

Call Keith Muetzel - (507) 616-7400

Aircare III

North Memorial Ambulance operates Air Care III out of the Redwood Falls Municipal Airport.

  • Air Care III is a fully IFR equipped and operated Agusta A-109 helicopter flown by highly experienced air medical pilots with unsurpassed safety records.
  • Air Care III provides critical care transport in southwestern Minnesota within an approximate 150 mile radius of Redwood Falls.
  • Air Care III is staffed with a dedicated and experienced critical care RN and EMT-P who are highly skilled at performing invasive procedures.
  • Air Care III has a dedicated aviation maintenance technician on-site to maintain the aircraft to the highest standards.

Airport Map-N-Tour

Airport Links

City of Redwood Falls Business and Housing DevelopmentVisit Website
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