City Council Meeting – Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Redwood Falls City Council was called to order in the Municipal Chambers on Tuesday, September 18, 2018, at 5:00 p.m.

Roll call indicated Council Members Paul DeBlieck, Matt Smith, Larry Arentson, Jim Sandgren and John T. Buckley were present constituting a quorum. Mayor Corey Theis was absent.

In the Mayor’s absence, Council President John T. Buckley presided over the meeting.

Also present were City Administrator Keith Muetzel, Director of Finance & Administrative Services Melissa Meyer, Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering, City Attorney Amy Busse and Council Secretary Amy Kerkhoff.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member DeBlieck approving the agenda with the following amendment: Move Agenda Item 9.B. “Mayor’s Proclamation Declaring October 15, 2018, as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day” to the Regular City Council Agenda on October 2, 2018, due to the Mayor’s absence. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Arentson approving the September 4, 2018, minutes as presented. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson unanimously approving the following items of the Consent Agenda.

1. Appointment to Library Commission.
2. Approve City Assistance with Redwood Area Chamber and Tourism Fall Festival.

Shannon Sweeney with David Drown and Associates presented the bids received for the 2018A General Obligation Water Revenue Bonds. The City Council initiated a process at the August 7, 2018, City Council meeting to have a competitive sale of bonds for the funding of the 2018 Water Reconstruction Project and to issue bonds in the amount of $720,000 over a 15-year term to finance the project costs.

Mr. Sweeny stated a recommendation was made by David Drown and Associates to use the Minnesota State Credit Enhancement Program which provides a limited guarantee from the State of Minnesota to make the bond payment if the City is unable to. Using the Minnesota State Credit Enhancement Program provides the City with a better credit rating. Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Global Ratings assigned its AAA program rating and AA underlying rating and a stable outlook to the City of Redwood Falls 2018A General Obligation (G.O.) Water Revenue Bond and affirmed its AA rating, with a stable outlook, on the City’s existing G.O. debt. The rating reflects S&P Global’s opinion of the City’s strong management, with good financial policies and practices under their Financial Management Assessment (FMA) methodology, a strong budgetary performance, with operation surpluses in the general fund and at the total governmental-fund level in fiscal 2017, a very strong budgetary flexibility, with an available fund balance in fiscal 2017 of 61% of operating expenditures, a very strong liquidity, with total government available cash at 2 times total governmental-fund expenditures and 50.5 times governmental debt service.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson to waive the reading of Resolution No. 49 of 2018 – Resolution Accepting Proposals On the Sale of $720,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2018, and Pledging for the Security Thereof Net Revenues. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Smith approving Resolution No. 49 of 2018 – Resolution Accepting Proposals On the Sale of $720,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2018, and Pledging for the Security Thereof Net Revenues. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Library Director Teri Smith was present to discuss approval to apply for a Minnesota Historical Society Grant for a new microfilm reader/viewer.

Ms. Smith stated Library staff requests the City Council’s approval to apply for a Minnesota Historical Society Grant in the amount of $10,000.00 to assist with the purchase of a new microfilm reader/viewer system. The total cost of a complete system, including the computer and software, is between $6,500 to $10,455 depending on the system. Three quotes were obtained and staff is in the process of deciding which features and products will best serve the Library patrons and their needs.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member DeBlieck approving the Redwood Falls Public Library’s request to apply for a grant up to a $10,000.00 from the Minnesota Historical Society to aid in the purchase of a microfilm reader/viewer. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering discussed the Ramsey Park road repair quote.

Mr. Doering stated staff is recommending approval of the quote to reconstruct the road, shoulders and parking lot of the Ramsey Creek Bridge for up to $41,423.30 from TNT Construction. The July 3, 2018, flood disaster deposited large amounts of debris against the wood traffic bridge over Ramsey Creek in the park. As a result, the water was directed to the north and south through the parking lot destroying the road and gravel parking lot. The State Aid road (MSAS 118) through the park has remained closed since the flooding. Staff solicited quotes from TNT Construction and Ground Zero.

Mr. Doering stated it is anticipated the road construction will be finished around October 1, 2018. To meet the tight schedule, TNT Construction will be mobilized to the site to start restoration work on Thursday, September 20, 2018. The project costs will be submitted to FEMA for reimbursement as a result of the disaster declaration signed by the President on September 10, 2018. FEMA is reimbursing up to 75% with the anticipated State match of 25% to cover the project cost.

Mr. Doering stated on September 11, 2018, both the historic Swayback Bridge and the wooden traffic bridge over Ramsey Creek were inspected for safety and suitability for traffic. Staff does not have the final report for both bridges, but the recommendation by the inspection team is the bridges are both suitable to be put back into service for traffic.

A motion was made by Council Member Arentson and seconded by Council Member DeBlieck approving the quote for materials, services and to allow staff to negotiate related contracts, agreements and amendments to reconstruct the road, shoulders and parking lot of Ramsey Creek Bridge for up to $41,423.30 from TNT Construction. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering discussed the Ramsey Creek bridge repair quote.

Mr. Doering stated staff is recommending approval of the quote to replace and repair the west side of the wooden Ramsey Creek traffic bridge for up to $12,685.00 from River Ridge Construction. Due to the flooding and deposition of large trees and debris caused damage to the west railing by bending and stretching the galvanized hardware.

Mr. Doering stated staff solicited a local bridge company’s quote to conduct the repairs as quickly as possible. The scope includes replacing four (4) deck planks, scupper blocks, a hub rail with the six (6) rail posts railing and new hardware. The bridge structure is sound and can be opened to traffic per the inspection engineer, but these minor repairs are needed.

A motion was made by Council Member DeBlieck and seconded by Council Member Smith approving the quote for materials, services and to allow staff to negotiate related contracts, agreements and amendments to replace and repair the west side of the wooden Ramsey Creek traffic bridge for up to $12,685.00 from River Ridge Construction, LLC. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering discussed the Minnesota Street storm sewer repair quote.

Mr. Doering stated staff is recommending approval of the quote to repair the storm sewer main from Minnesota Street to Lake Redwood for up to $29,5000.00 from Schmidt Construction.

Mr. Doering stated due to the 2018 flood and high-intensity rain event on July 3, 2018, the storm sewer main that runs from Minnesota Street to an outlet into Lake Redwood was damaged. The drainage feeds from Vision Lane to West Chestnut Street were also disconnected by uprooted trees due to bank saturation and have to be repaired and reconnected. This project will be submitted to FEMA for reimbursement under the current disaster declaration.

A motion was made by Council Member DeBlieck and seconded by Council Member Arentson approving the quote for materials, services and to allow staff to negotiate related contracts, agreements and amendments to repair the storm sewer main from Minnesota Street to Lake Redwood for up to $29,5000.00 from Schmidt Construction. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 50 of 2018 – Authorization to Execute Minnesota Department of Transportation Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement Excluding Land Acquisition was presented by Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering.

Mr. Doering stated the State of Minnesota Agreement No. 1032112, for State Project No. SP 6402-55 is the companion agreement for the FAA Grant approved by City Council with Resolution No. 44 – Resolution Approving Grant Acceptance for AIP Grant Number 3-27-0083-0017-210 to Construct a 7 Unit Hangar Building. The grant agreement allows MnDOT to disburse funds to the City for the 7-bay hangar construction with FAA contributing 90% of the direct costs for the project up to $1,239,401.00 with State matching funds of 5% or $68,855.73. The anticipated total cost for the construction phase is $1,377,112.46.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to waive the reading of Resolution No. 50 of 2018 – Authorization to Execute Minnesota Department of Transportation Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement Excluding Land Acquisition. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Arentson approving Resolution No. 50 of 2018 – Authorization to Execute Minnesota Department of Transportation Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement Excluding Land Acquisition. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 51 of 2018 – A Resolution Opposing the Sale of Strong Beer, Spirits and Wine in Grocery and Convenience Stores was presented by City Administrator Keith Muetzel.

Mr. Muetzel stated a bill was introduced in the last legislative session to allow wine, beer, and spirits be sold in grocery and convenience stores. The bill is expected to be introduced again in 2019. In preparation, the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association has asked its members to pass a resolution in opposition to the initiative.

A motion was made by Council Member DeBlieck and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to waive the reading of Resolution No. 51 of 2018 – A Resolution Opposing the Sale of Strong Beer, Spirits and Wine in Grocery and Convenience Stores. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member DeBlieck and seconded by Council Member Arentson approving Resolution No. 51 of 2018 – A Resolution Opposing the Sale of Strong Beer, Spirits and Wine in Grocery and Convenience Stores. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Bills and Claims were presented to the Council for informational purposes. No questions, comments or concerns were raised.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson to adjourn the meeting at 5:43 p.m. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

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