Police Commission

Establishment and Composition

By City Code, a Police Commission was established and was to be made up of five voting members who are qualified voters of the City. Commissioners serve staggered three-year terms. The Mayor acts as an advisory member of the Commission, but does not have a vote. On the first business day in January of each year, a Commissioner or Commissioners are appointed for a term(s) of three years to succeed those term(s) that have expired. Vacancies on the Commission are by appointment by the Mayor and with the approval of the City Council.

Functions and Duties

The Commission is an advisory body to the Council on matters relating to the operation and organization of the Police Department. The Commission serves as a citizen liaison to the Council and Police Department receiving questions, inquiries, complaints, and other items of communication from citizens or groups of citizens as they relate to the Police Department and work with the Chief to resolve such issues. The Commission also review and study internal and external policies and procedures and make recommendations to the Council for any policy changes.

The Commission may:

  • participate in the initial budget preparation with the Police Chief;
  • assist the Police Chief on policy matters relative to law enforcement;
  • work with the Police Chief and City Administrator on organizational and operational matters of the Police Department;
  • study policy issues for recommendations as requested by the Council, City Administrator, and Police Chief;
    assist Police Chief and City Administrator with selection, hiring, discipline, and termination of department employees.

Organization, Meetings

At the first meeting of each calendar year, the Commission shall elected from its members a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary and other officers determined to be needed. The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and keep minutes of their meetings. A copy of Police Commission minutes shall be furnished to the Council as soon as possible after the meeting.

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