TUESDAY, April 21, 2020 – 5:00 P.M.
Meeting Held by Telephone or Other Electronic Means Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.021
Members of the public may monitor the meeting by telephone or other electronic means as follows:
Topic: City Council Meeting – April 21, 2020
Time: Apr 21, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting Electronically:
Meeting ID: 478 110 621
Residents can call any of the following numbers to join the meeting:
1 (312) 626 6799
1 (929) 205 6099
1 (346) 248 7799
1 (669) 900 6833
Meeting ID: 478 110 621
If you get a busy signal on one number call again on another number.
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Call to Order
– Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
A. April 7, 2020
B. April 14, 2020 – Board of Equalization and Review Meeting
5. Audience Participation (10-minute time limit for items not on the agenda)
6. Consent Agenda
A. Approve 2019 Drinking Water Report
B. Approve On-Sale Liquor and On-Sale Sunday Liquor License – Barney’s Burger & Brew
7. Scheduled Public Hearings
8. Old Business
9. Regular Agenda
A. Electric Department Bucket Truck Replacement
B. 2020 Park and Recreation Programs, Aquatic Center, and Campground Operations
C. Release of Funds for Lake Redwood Reclamation Project – Resolution #21
D. Redwood County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan – Resolution #22
E. Hazard Mitigation Grant Application – Resolution #23
F. Street Sealcoat Bids – Resolution #24
G. Agreement for Interim Criminal Prosecution Services
H. COVID-19 Updates (verbal)
10. Other Items and Communications
A. Council Items
B. Staff Items
11. Paid Bills and Claims – For Informational Purposes
A. City of Redwood Falls Accounts Payable Summary
12. Adjournment