Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Redwood Falls City Council was called to order in the Municipal Chambers on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
Roll call indicated Mayor Tom Quackenbush and Council Members Matt Smith, Jim Sandgren, Larry Arentson, and John T. Buckley were present, constituting a quorum. Council Member Denise Kerkhoff was absent.
Also present were City Administrator Keith Muetzel, Finance Director Kari Klages, City Attorney Trenton Dammann, and Deputy City Clerk Caitlin Kodet. Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering was absent.
A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Buckley to approve the agenda. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Council Member Arentson and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to approve the April 4, 2023, minutes as presented. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Tara Anderson, General Manager of KLGR Radio Station, was present to request an advertising trade with the City for parking lot repairs at the station. Council Member Buckley suggested the Public Works committee meet and discuss the request. The Public Works Committee will follow up with Ms. Anderson regarding the request.
A motion was made by Council Member Buckley and seconded by Council Member Arentson to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda.
1. 2022 Drinking Water Report
2. Street Closure for Block Party – 300 Block of S. Washington St.
3. Temporary On-Sale Liquor License – Redwood Area Chamber & Tourism
Motion passed by unanimous vote.
City Attorney Dammann introduced Ordinance No. 84, Fourth Series – An Ordinance Amending Redwood Falls City Code of Ordinances §10.46 Pertaining to Animal Licensing and Regulation.
Mr. Dammann stated the proposed Ordinance was introduced at the April 4, 2023 Council meeting. City Staff met and discussed the current conditional lifetime licensing process for dogs found in §10.46 of the Redwood Falls City Code. Upon reviewing §10.46 in conjunction with the dog kennel licensing regulations found in §6.28 of the Redwood Falls City Code, Staff have identified and made several changes to both ordinances to more logically identify and regulate land use for dog kennels as well as to better locate the license limitation for dogs within §10.46 instead of §6.28.
Mr. Dammann stated proposed changes to §10.46 include a limitation of five (5) conditional lifetime licenses for dogs per “household;” adding a definition of “household;” better identifying the “Shelter,” as defined in §10.46; adding a provision to make it a petty misdemeanor violation for owners of dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs to allow those dogs to use the Redwood Falls City Dog Park; and a change to the dangerous dog hearing procedure to provide for two council members, at large, to serve on a dangerous dog review panel.
A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Smith to approve Ordinance No. 84, Fourth Series – An Ordinance Amending Redwood Falls City Code of Ordinances §10.46 Pertaining to Animal Licensing and Regulation. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
AYE: Council Members Arentson, Buckley, Sandgren, and Smith
NO: None
ABSENT: Council Member Kerkhoff
City Attorney Dammann introduced Ordinance No. 85, Fourth Series – An Ordinance Amending Redwood Falls City Code of Ordinances §6.28 Relating to Dog Kennels.
Mr. Dammann stated the proposed Ordinance was introduced at the April 4, 2023 Council meeting. City Staff met and discussed the current dog kennel licensing ordinance, §6.28. Upon reviewing the dog kennel licensing ordinance in conjunction with the conditional lifetime licensing process for dogs provided in §10.46, Staff have identified and made several changes to both ordinances to more logically identify and regulate land use for dog kennels as well as to better locate the license limitation for dogs within §10.46 instead of §6.28.
Mr. Dammann stated following the first reading, the stricken language from the current version of §6.28 has been added to the proposed ordinance so that the proposed changes to §6.28 are easily viewable. This change was included with the posted Ordinance No. 85 on April 6, 2023. Staff recommends adoption of these proposed changes.
A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Buckley to approve Ordinance No. 85, Fourth Series – An Ordinance Amending Redwood Falls City Code of Ordinances §6.28 Relating to Dog Kennels. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
AYE: Council Members Arentson, Buckley, Sandgren, and Smith
NO: None
ABSENT: Council Member Kerkhoff
City Attorney Dammann introduced Resolution No. 21 of 2023 – A Resolution of the City of Redwood Falls Providing for the Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 84, Fourth Series, An Ordinance Amending Redwood Falls Code of Ordinances § 10.46 Pertaining to Animal Licensing and Regulation.
Mr. Dammann stated State law requires that all ordinances adopted be published prior to becoming effective. As Council is aware, Ordinance No. 84, Fourth Series is somewhat lengthy. However, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subd. 4, allows publication by title and summary in the case of lengthy ordinances or those containing charts or maps. Staff prepared Resolution No. 21 of 2023 and Exhibit A which contains the summary of Ordinance No. 84 for publication.
A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Buckley to waive the reading of Resolution No. 21 of 2023 – A Resolution of the City of Redwood Falls Providing for the Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 84, Fourth Series, An Ordinance Amending Redwood Falls Code of Ordinances § 10.46 Pertaining to Animal Licensing and Regulation. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson to approve Resolution No. 21 of 2023 – A Resolution of the City of Redwood Falls Providing for the Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 84, Fourth Series, An Ordinance Amending Redwood Falls Code of Ordinances § 10.46 Pertaining to Animal Licensing and Regulation. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Parks & Recreation Director Ross Nachreiner introduced Resolution No. 22 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Repair and Maintenance of the Exterior Stucco of the Redwood Area Community Center.
Mr. Nachreiner stated Resolution No. 22 of 2023 is to approve a quote and enter into a contract with BM Stucco, Inc. to do repair work on the exterior stucco of the RACC. To maintain the integrity of the RACC facility, Park and Rec Staff would like to reskim any exterior portion of the facility covered with stucco. We are currently seeing discoloration in the stucco and portions of the flashing are rusting away. This repair process will include a basecoat skim, installation of standard mesh (where needed), a primer, and a finish coat.
Mr. Nachreiner stated due to the unique work that needs to be completed, Staff was only able to acquire one quote from BM Stucco, Inc. The Redwood Area School District has done multiple projects with BM Stucco, Inc. and recommends their work. Staff made attempts to acquire additional quotes from Jim's Stucco and Northwest Drywall. Jim’s Stucco denied the project and Northwest Drywall didn’t submit a quote after multiple communications with the business. Staff requests approval of Resolution No. 22 of 2023 and accept the bid from BM Stucco, Inc in the amount of $49,870.00. Additional costs may arise once the contractor is on site and starts the work. The 2023 capital improvement budget included $59,990.00 for this project.
A motion was made by Council Member Buckley and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to waive the reading of Resolution No. 22 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Repair and Maintenance of the Exterior Stucco of the Redwood Area Community Center. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson to approve Resolution No. 22 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Repair and Maintenance of the Exterior Stucco of the Redwood Area Community Center. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
City Attorney Dammann introduced Resolution No. 23 of 2023 – Authorization Approving Sale of Real Property Located at 516 East Elm Street.
Council Member Sandgren declared a conflict of interest due to being related to the former property owners of 516 East Elm Street. Council Member Sandgren did not participate in the discussion nor vote on the sale.
Mr. Dammann stated on June 7, 2022, City Council adopted Resolution No. 43 of 2022, authorizing the Redwood Falls Port Authority to purchase certain real property from Floyd & Martha Sandgren, a vacant lot located at 516 East Elm Street. The Port Authority subsequently closed on the property and has owned the property since June 8, 2022. On October 10, 2022, the Port Authority held a public hearing on the sale of the property to William and Anna Scott, whose proposal included plans and specifications to construct a single family “spec home,” on the property. After the hearing, the Port Authority found that the proposal was in the best interests of the district and its people, and that the transaction furthered the general plan of Port Authority improvement and entered into a purchase agreement with the Scotts on December 13, 2022. The Port Authority now wishes to execute and close on the signed purchase agreement.
Mr. Dammann stated pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462.356, subd. 2, because the City has a comprehensive municipal plan and a planning commission, the statute requires that no publicly owned interest in real property within the municipality be disposed of, until after the planning commission has reviewed the proposed disposal and reported in writing to the City Council its findings as to compliance of the proposed disposal with the comprehensive municipal plan. However, the City Council may, by resolution adopted by two-thirds vote dispense with the requirements of that subdivision when in its judgment it finds that the proposed disposal of real property has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. Given the need to close on the purchase agreement in a timely manner and the Port Authority’s prior approval of the plans and specifications, Staff is recommending that Council adopt the proposed resolution to approve the sale and dispense with the requirements found in Minn. Stat. § 462.356, subd. 2.
A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Buckley to waive the reading of Resolution No. 23 of 2023 – Authorization Approving Sale of Real Property Located at 516 East Elm Street. Motion passed by the following vote:
AYE: Council Members Arentson, Buckley, and Smith
NO: None
ABSENT: Council Member Kerkhoff
ABSTAIN: Council Member Sandgren
A motion was made by Council Member Arentson and seconded by Council Member Buckley to approve Resolution No. 23 of 2023 – Authorization Approving Sale of Real Property Located at 516 East Elm Street. Motion passed by the following vote:
AYE: Council Members Arentson, Buckley, and Smith
NO: None
ABSENT: Council Member Kerkhoff
ABSTAIN: Council Member Sandgren
Parks & Recreation Director Ross Nachreiner introduced Resolution No. 24 of 2023 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City.
Anne Pryor, daughter of Paul & Marvel Pryor, was present.
Mr. Nachreiner stated Resolution No. 24 of 2023 is to accept a financial donation of the actual project costs up to $150,000. The donation will be used to build and furnish the Paul & Marvel Pryor Pavilion at Memorial Park.
Mr. Nachreiner stated during the fall of 2021, Anne Pryor approached Staff stating the family wanted to fully fund a pavilion at Memorial Park. Due to the lack of interested contractors as well as the high cost of building materials, the family was encouraged to delay the construction of the shelter. This past fall, the family and Mr. Nachreiner reconvened and started putting plans together for the project. Mr. Nachreiner had numerous meetings with the Pryor family as well as perspective contractors.
Mr. Nachreiner stated the pavilion will be built on City property and therefore the City will be the owners of the pavilion. The City will make payments to the contractor per the terms of the agreement. The Pryor Family has agreed to pay the City 50% of the total cost of the project once the project starts or when the first payment is due to the contractor. The family will then pay the City the remainder of the invoice at conclusion of the project.
Mr. Nachreiner further stated the Park and Recreation Commission’s master plan lists a shelter at Memorial Park as a high priority. Staff will be able to make this a reality by constructing the Pryor Pavilion. The pavilion is planned to be built to the south of the Aquatic Center (in between the pool and baseball field). Ample parking and ease of access encouraged us to select this site at Memorial Park. The Parks and Recreation Department will be able to add this pavilion to the list of shelters available to be rented out during the summer months.
A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Buckley to waive the reading of Resolution No. 24 of 2023 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Arentson to approve Resolution No. 24 of 2023 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Parks & Recreation Director Ross Nachreiner introduced Resolution No. 25 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Construction of the Pryor Pavilion at Memorial Park.
Mr. Nachreiner stated Resolution No. 25 of 2023 is to approve the quote and enter into a contract with Salonek, Inc. to construct the Pryor Pavilion at Memorial Park. Park and Rec staff have worked with the Pryor Family to determine a site and design for the Pryor Pavilion. The pavilion will be located just to the south of the Aquatic Center (in between the left field fence of the baseball field and the pool parking lot). It will be built of cedar lumber and asphalt shingles. The pavilion will include a serving counter with adequate electricity for your summer gatherings.
Mr. Nachreiner stated Staff received two quotes for the project. Salonek, Inc.'s quote was $137,580.00 and Everstrong Construction's quote was $166,071.00. The City will own the pavilion thus will be responsible for hiring the contractor for this project. Staff requests approval of Resolution 25 of 2023 to accept the quote from Salonek, Inc. in the amount of $137,580.00.
A motion was made by Council Member Buckley and seconded by Council Member Smith to waive the reading of Resolution No. 25 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Construction of the Pryor Pavilion at Memorial Park. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Arentson to approve Resolution No. 25 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Construction of the Pryor Pavilion at Memorial Park. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
City Administrator Keith Muetzel introduced Resolution No. 26 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Award of Contract for the 2023 Seal Coat Improvements.
Mr. Muetzel stated in response to the Advertisement for Bids, the City received three proposals for construction of the 2023 Seal Coat Improvements. The proposals were opened and publicly read at 10:00 a.m. on March 30, 2023. The low responsible bidder was Allied Blacktop Company of Maple Grove, MN for the 2023 Seal Coat Improvements per bid unit prices for CRS2P bituminous oil, FA-2, Class A Aggregate, and flexible chip seal markers. The resulting base bid was $181,830.00 and base bid with alternate totaled $286,000.00. The engineer’s estimate was $301,461.50.
Mr. Muetzel stated the 2023 Seal Coat Improvement Project has a budget of $200,000.00 for streets and alleyways. Due to the continued rising costs of oil and aggregate, the bid advertisement included splitting the previous area into a base bid and alternate to provide budget options. Staff reviewed the bids and assessed costing scenarios which included the budget need for next year’s seal coat area. In addition to this year’s $200,000.00 base budget, Staff is recommending the use of the Capital Projects Fund to cover the expenses of the remaining $86,000.00 overage and not to push the unfinished area on to next year’s seal coat budget.
A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Buckley to waive the reading of Resolution No. 26 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Award of Contract for the 2023 Seal Coat Improvements. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Council Member Arentson and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to approve Resolution No. 26 of 2023 – Authorization to Execute Award of Contract for the 2023 Seal Coat Improvements. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
City Administrator Muetzel stated the Port Authority met on Monday, April 17 to discuss two proposals for the Reflection Prairie Development. On March 31, two proposals were received from Redwood Design and Contracting, Inc. and the Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership. The Port Authority reviewed the proposals and requested further discussion with both parties to reach a development agreement for the property.
Bills and Claims were presented to the Council for informational purposes. No questions, comments or concerns were raised.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Arentson to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m. Motion passed by unanimous vote.