City Council Meeting – Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Redwood Falls City Council was called to order in the Municipal Chambers on Tuesday, August 7, 2018, at 5:00 p.m.

Roll call indicated Mayor Corey Theis and Council Members Paul DeBlieck, Matt Smith, Larry Arentson, Jim Sandgren and John T. Buckley were present constituting a quorum.

Also present were City Administrator Keith Muetzel, Director of Finance & Administrative Services Melissa Meyer, Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering, City Attorney Amy Busse and Council Secretary Amy Kerkhoff.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson approving the agenda as presented.  Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member DeBlieck and seconded by Council Member Buckley approving the July 17, 2018, minutes as presented.  Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Smith unanimously approving the following item of the Consent Agenda.

1.      Recommendations from Hospital Credentialing Committee.

Marty Seifert with Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities was not able to attend the meeting and the agenda item was postponed until August 21, 2018.

Shannon Sweeney with David Drown and Associates presented a financing proposal for the 2018 Bridge Street Watermain Reconstruction Project.  Mr. Sweeney indicated the total cost of the project is estimated to be $723,720.00 and recommended the issuance of G.O. Water Revenue Bonds to fund the project.  The proposed bonds have a 15 year term and will be issued utilizing a competitive sale process.  The bonds will have a Standard & Poor’s Rating and will utilize the Public Facilities Authority Credit Enhancement Program.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Buckley to waive the reading of Resolution No. 38 of 2018 – Resolution Providing for the Competitive Negotiated Sale of $720,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Bonds Series 2018A.  Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson approving Resolution No. 38 of 2018 – Resolution Providing for the Competitive Negotiated Sale of $720,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Bonds Series 2018A.  Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering presented Change Order No. 1 for the Gould Street Reconstruction Project.  Mr. Doering stated additional concrete and pavement testing was needed due to heavy rains during the spring construction season bringing the new contract total with Braun Intertec to $44,811.50 from the original contract price of $38,793.00.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson approving Change Order No. 1 for the Gould Street Reconstruction Project.  Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering updated the City Council on the TH 19/71 Watermain Replacement Project.

City Administrator Keith Muetzel discussed a recent odor control equipment failure at Central Bi-Products.

Bills and Claims were presented to the Council for informational purposes.  No questions, comments or concerns were raised.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Council Member DeBlieck and seconded by Council Member Buckley to adjourn the meeting at 5:27 p.m.  Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

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