Police Department

Redwood Falls Police Department

The Redwood Falls Police Department provides 24-hour law enforcement protection to the City of Redwood Falls. The department is made up of a Chief of Police, Assistant Chief of Police, 2 Patrol Sergeants, one School Resource Officer, 6 Patrol Officers and two administrative assistants. On average, the Redwood Falls Police Department typically generates 6,000 Incident Complaint Report's (ICR) per year. ICR's are used to document all calls for service or other police activity such as directed patrol or school presentations.

The Redwood Falls Police Department is housed in the Redwood County Law Enforcement Center (LEC). The LEC is also the home of the Redwood County Sheriff’s Office, Redwood County Jail/Dispatch Center, the Redwood County Emergency Manager and the Minnesota State Patrol. In 2014, a renovation to the LEC was completed. The previous LEC had been built in 1983 as an add-on to the original Redwood County Sheriff’s Office which had been built in the late 1800’s.

Redwood Falls Police
Police Award Program

The City Council adopted an award program on December 4, 2012, to promote excellence in law enforcement and recognize outstanding performance of its members, as well as citizens who significantly support and assist the Redwood Falls Police Department mission. Members of the public are welcome to nominate an officer or citizen for outstanding service. To make a nomination, click on Police Award Policy.

Emergency Management

Emergency management for Redwood Falls is managed and controlled by the Police Chief of this department. The Chief works closely with the County Emergency Manager and is part of the Redwood County Emergency Management System. Many area citizens are trained as weather spotters and are of valuable assistance during severe weather. Training takes place on a county wide basis through mock disaster drills coordinated with the Redwood County Emergency Manager.

If you are interested in becoming a weather spotter, contact Redwood County Emergency Manager at 507-637-4035.

Useful Safety Links

Police Department Equipment and Technology

The Redwood Falls Police Department utilizes digital ARMER radios and is dispatched through the Redwood County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center which is located in the Redwood County Law Enforcement Center. The department has three fully marked squad cars equipped for patrol duty. Each marked squad is equipped with a squad computer, Watchguard wireless dash camera system, radar, and medical supplies and equipment. The other vehicles consist of two unmarked vehicles and the School Resource Officer’s squad car.

In 2013, the Redwood Falls Police Department and Redwood County Sheriff’s Office converted to a new records management and computer aided dispatch system from Law Enforcement Technology Group (LETG). LETG allows officers to perform their data entry and job functions from their squad cars, allows greater communication among agencies within Redwood County and is a nearly paperless system for conducting police business.

Squad Car Interior

Police Department Programs

Emergency Response Unit (ERU)

Two patrol officers serve on the multi-agency Brown County, Lyon County, Redwood County and Renville County Emergency Response Unit (BLR-ERU). The BLR-ERU team responds to a variety of situations that require more personnel, training, or equipment than can be carried out by a regular patrol officer staff. Some of the situations BLR-ERU respond to include high risk search warrant service, barricaded suspects, hostage situations, or any event requiring specialized law enforcement response. The officers train monthly and are subject to call-out in any of the four counties.

Emergency Medical Services

The CentraCare Emergency Medical Service Redwood Falls is based in Redwood Falls and provides 24-hour response. The Redwood Falls Police Department responds to all medical emergency calls within the city where we assist CentraCare EMS. North Memorial Air Care unit is based at the Redwood Falls Airport.

School Resource Officer

The Redwood Falls Police Department has one full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) that works in the Redwood Valley High School and Reede Gray Elementary School. The SRO provides security on school property during regular school hours, special events and many sporting events. The SRO participates in school presentations regarding police activity or public safety and is responsible for responding to any crimes on school campus or investigations involving students.  In the summer, the SRO is placed into the rotation with other patrol officers.

Driver Diversion Pilot Program (DDP)

In 2014, the Redwood Falls Police Department and Redwood County Sheriff’s Office started participation in the Driver Diversion Pilot Program (DDP).  The program, which is authorized under Minnesota State Statute, was designed to support participants and give them a path to becoming a valid driver after their license was suspended or revoked.  To participate in the program, a person must receive a citation for Driving After Revocation or Suspension in Redwood County or any jurisdiction participating in the DDP.

More information about the program can be found here.

Towards Zero Death (TZD)

The Redwood Falls Police Department is also a part of the Worthington Grant Coalition. The grant funds overtime for officers to go out and specifically target traffic violations including: DWI, texting while driving, seat belts, and speed.  The funds are provided to the state through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and disseminated locally from there.

The Department also won awards for traffic enforcement efforts through the Safe & Sober Challenge Grant in 2003, 2008, 2009, and 2011.  The Police Department was also awarded a “large incentive” in the form of a Stalker Dual Window 2X, an approximate value of $3,000.00.

Project Lifesaver

The Redwood Falls Police Department and Redwood County Sheriff’s Office both participate in the Project Lifesaver program. Several years ago, both agencies received a grant to purchase equipment and train the officers in its use. Participants in the program pay a maintenance fee that is used to purchase replacement equipment. Project lifesaver has been implemented several times resulting in the timely location of the individual that had wandered away. The program is designed for individuals that have a high risk of wandering or have the propensity to become lost.

The primary mission of Project Lifesaver is to provide timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children who wander due to Alzheimer’s, autism, and other related conditions or disorders.  The task of searching for wandering or lost individuals with Alzheimer’s, autism, Down syndrome, dementia or other cognitive conditions is a growing and serious responsibility. Without effective procedures and equipment, searches can involve multiple agencies, hundreds of officers, countless man hours and thousands of dollars.

Citizens enrolled in Project Lifesaver wear a small personal transmitter around the wrist or ankle that emits an individualized tracking signal. If an enrolled client goes missing, the caregiver notifies their local Project Lifesaver agency, and a trained emergency team responds to the wanderer’s area. Most who wander are found within a few miles from home, and search times have been reduced from hours and days to minutes. Recovery times for PLI clients average 30 minutes — 95% less time than standard operations.

Learn more about Project Lifesaver here.

Drug Task Force (DTF)

The Redwood Falls Police Department is an active participant in the Brown, Lyon, Redwood, Renville Drug Task Force (BLR-DTF). The BLR-DTF specializes in the investigation of drug trafficking within the member agencies' jurisdictions, and they work with other drug task forces as well as state and federal agencies to combat drug trafficking in their area of responsibility. The BLR-DTF and BLR-ERU is under the command of one agent who reports to a Board of Directors made up of Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs from Brown, Lyon, Redwood and Renville counties.

Drug Take Back Program

The Redwood Falls Police Department and Redwood County Sheriff’s Office have been in partnership since 2011 to stem the flow of old and unused prescription drugs into the hands of people who use them illegally. Both agencies were regular participants in the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) National Take-back Initiative which provided funding for the collection and destruction of old and unused prescription drugs twice each year.  Beginning in 2014, that program was replaced with a new program that allows for the year round collection of prescription drugs through the use of a MedReturn container located in the Law Enforcement Center lobby.

Accepted Items:

  • Prescriptions
  • Prescription Patches
  • Prescription Medications
  • Prescription Ointments
  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Vitamins
  • Samples
  • Medications for pets

Not Accepted Items:

  • Thermometers
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Needles (Sharps)
  • Inhalers
  • Aerosol Cans
  • Medications From Clinics or Businesses
  • Lotions
  • Batteries

For more information on the disposal of prescription drugs visit the DEA website.

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