Wellhead Protection Plan

Wellhead protection is a way to prevent drinking water from becoming polluted by managing potential sources of contamination in the area which supplies water to a public well.

Much can be done to prevent pollution, such as the wise use of land, fertilizer, and chemicals, sealing old abandoned wells, removing leaking storage tanks and maintaining the required separation of wells and septic systems. As a result, public health is protected and the expense of treating polluted water or drilling new wells is avoided through wellhead protection efforts.

Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 1

This is the first part of the wellhead protection plan. It has been reviewed and approved by various local units of government (LUG's).

Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2

This is the second part of the wellhead protection plan. It has been reviewed and approved by various local units of government (LUG's).

Drinking-Water Supply Management Area Map

Refer to the map to see if your home or acreage is included in the area. (See:  DWSMA Map)

Conical 10-year recharge zone

This area is especially critical due to surface water in this shaded area will percolate and generally reach the aquifer in 10 years time. (See:  Conical Recharge Zones)

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