City Council Meeting – July 16, 2024

TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024


Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Redwood Falls City Council was called to order in the Municipal Chambers on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

Roll call indicated Mayor Tom Quackenbush and Council Members Matt Smith, Denise Kerkhoff, Jim Sandgren, and John T. Buckley were present, constituting a quorum. Council Member Larry Arentson was absent.

Also present were City Administrator Keith Muetzel, City Attorney Trenton Dammann, Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering, and Deputy City Clerk Caitlin Kodet. Finance Director Kari Klages was absent.

City Administrator Muetzel requested changing the total number of transformers from 41 to 31 transformers as shown in the quote for Consent Agenda Item 6A. Approve Purchase of Single-Phase Electric Transformers.

A motion was made by Council Member Buckley and seconded by Council Member Kerkhoff to approve the agenda with the requested correction to Consent Agenda Item 6A. Approve Purchase of Single-Phase Electric Transformers. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to approve the July 2, 2024, minutes as presented. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Kerkhoff and seconded by Council Member Buckley to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

1. Purchase of Single-Phase Electric Transformers
2. Purchase of Waste Oil Furnace
3. Temporary On-Sale Liquor License – Church of St. Catherine’s

Motion passed by unanimous vote.
City Administrator Muetzel introduced Resolution No. 42 of 2024 – Resolution Appointing 2024 Election Judges.

Mr. Muetzel stated under Section 204B.21, Subdivision 2 of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesota, the Council of each municipality shall appoint in the manner provided, qualified voters as judges of election with the understanding that amendments can be made by the Election Administrator. The following qualified voters are hereby designated as Judges of Election for the August 13, 2024, Primary Election and November 5, 2024, General Election: Caitlin Kodet, Amy Kerkhoff, Marcee Stromberg, Mary Wetmore, Bruce Tolzmann, Stephanie Klavetter, Wayne Junker, Abby Larson, Mary Walz, Eric Lovett, Jessica Lovett, Mary Liebl, Julie Faugstad, Daniel Faugstad, Jacalyn Lueck, Mary Bratsch, Dorie Oja, Ernie Fiala, Julie Fiala, Jenifer Manthei, Janelle Medrud, Jeannette Mertens, Connie Bohn, Joan Koster, Kari Klages, Jan C. Nelson, Nicole Tisue, Julie Rath, Margaret Blue, and Greg Smith.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Buckley to waive the reading of Resolution No. 42 of 2024 – Resolution Appointing 2024 Election Judges. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Kerkhoff to approve Resolution No. 42 of 2024 – Resolution Appointing 2024 Election Judges. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Police Chief Jason Cotner introduced the Police Officer Employment Offer to Lucas Hodges.

Chief Cotner stated at the February 20, 2024, City Council meeting, Council approved a Police Officer Recruit Agreement with Lucas Hodges. That recruit agreement provided an opportunity for Mr. Hodges to continue his law enforcement education with the possibility of having up to $7,500 reimbursed to him in exchange for three years of service as a full-time Redwood Falls Police Officer. The agreement contained several provisions but the most important one being the Redwood Falls Police Department must have a vacant police officer position in order to qualify for the reimbursement.

Chief Cotner stated since that approval, Mr. Hodges has been employed as a Community Service Officer (CSO) with the Redwood Falls Police Department. On July 17, 2024, Mr. Hodges will graduate from Alexandria Technical College’s Law Enforcement Skills program. This graduation marks the conclusion of all state-mandated education and training requirements to obtain a Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) license. Prior to graduation, Mr. Hodges applied for RFPD’s vacant police officer position. On July 2, 2024, City Administrator Keith Muetzel, Asst. Police Chief Steve Schroeder, Sgt. Brady Stough, and Chief Cotner interviewed Mr. Hodges. At the conclusion of that interview, a conditional job offer was presented and accepted by Mr. Hodges.

Chief Cotner further stated the conditional offer that was presented contained several provisions. First, successful completion of a psychological and physical examination. Second, pass the POST Board licensing exam. Third, successful completion of a police officer background check. Fourth, approval by Redwood Falls City Council. At this time, Mr. Hodges has successfully completed the psychological exam and background check. He is scheduled to take the POST test and Staff anticipates receiving the results of the physical test later this week. Due to scheduling of the regular City Council meetings and staff shortages at RFPD, Staff is requesting City Council approve an employment offer for the vacant police officer position with the understanding that the additional requirements as stated are met.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Kerkhoff to approve the Police Officer Employment Offer to Lucas Hodges. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

City Administrator Muetzel introduced Resolution No. 43 of 2024 – Authorization to Execute Task Order No. 2024-4 for the Reflection Cove Housing Addition Phase 1 Improvements.

Mr. Muetzel stated in April of 2024, City Council approved the submittal of a State of MN Workforce Housing Program grant application to assist with the phase one development of the Southwest MN Housing Partnership’s Reflection Cove housing project. Phase one of the proposed project consists of nine market-rate rental housing units. In anticipation of the workforce housing grant award, the Southwest MN Housing Partnership is requesting preparation of infrastructure plans and specifications. Bolton & Menk’s preliminary infrastructure cost estimate, including engineering, is $385,000.00 to be paid by Southwest MN Housing Partnership. Approval of the engineering services task order will allow for the preparation of infrastructure plans and specifications. The engineering portion of the infrastructure cost estimate is $58,750.00 which is 15% of the total cost.

A motion was made by Council Member Buckley and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to waive the reading of Resolution No. 43 of 2024 – Authorization to Execute Task Order No. 2024-4 for the Reflection Cove Housing Addition Phase 1 Improvements. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Kerkhoff to approve Resolution No. 43 of 2024 – Authorization to Execute Task Order No. 2024-4 for the Reflection Cove Housing Addition Phase 1 Improvements. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

City Administrator Muetzel introduced the July 30 City Council Work Session.

Mr. Muetzel stated due to schedule conflicts, Staff requests the cancellation of the July 30 City Council Work Session.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to approve the request to cancel the July 30 City Council Work Session. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Police Chief Jason Cotner stated on July 16, 2024, Redwood Falls Police Officers received information that an individual with outstanding arrest warrants out of Sibley and Hennepin Counties was possibly working at 240 South Washington Street. That individual was Joshua David Panitzke, age 29, of Belview, MN. When officers arrived Panitzke and the crew were working on the roof. The supervisor on site told Panitzke law enforcement was present and asked him to exit the roof. Panitzke refused and when officers went on the roof, Panitzke became agitated and went to the edge of the building and threatened to jump off. The Brown/Lyon/Redwood/Renville Emergency Response Unit’s Negotiator Team was activated and responded to the location. After several hours of negotiation, Panitzke voluntarily came down from the roof and was taken to the CentraCare-Redwood Hospital. No use of force was used by law enforcement during this incident.

City Administrator Muetzel stated the Redwood County Economic Development Authority is conducting a comprehensive housing study and hosting an open house in-person at the RACC on Tuesday, July 16 at 5:30 p.m. and online on Wednesday, July 17 at 12:00 p.m.

City Administrator Muetzel stated the contractor working on the 4th Street reconstruction project will be offsite for a few weeks and is tentatively scheduled to be back on August 5th to start on the last block between Washington Street and Mill Street and complete the paving on the entire project. The contractor will partially open 4th Street for resident traffic only except for the last block between South Washington and Mill Street which will remain closed.

Bills and Claims were presented to the Council for informational purposes. No questions, comments or concerns were raised.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Council Member Kerkhoff and seconded by Council Member Buckley to adjourn the meeting at 5:27 p.m. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

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