City Council Meeting – July 2, 2024



Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Redwood Falls City Council was called to order in the Municipal Chambers on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

Roll call indicated Mayor Tom Quackenbush and Council Members Matt Smith, Denise Kerkhoff, Jim Sandgren, Larry Arentson, and John T. Buckley were present, constituting a quorum.

Also present were City Administrator Keith Muetzel, Finance Director Kari Klages, City Attorney Trenton Dammann, and Deputy City Clerk Caitlin Kodet. Public Works Project Coordinator Jim Doering was absent.

A motion was made by Council Member Buckley and seconded by Council Member Kerkhoff to approve the agenda. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to approve the June 18, 2024, minutes as presented.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Quackenbush presented Matthew Muetzel with an Outstanding Citizen Award. Matthew Muetzel was in Ramsey Park near the swayback bridge when he heard Virginia Hansen scream for help. Ms. Hansen was walking along the swayback bridge with her granddaughter and six-year-old grandson, Ben, when Ben fell into the river. Due to the strong river current, Ben was pulled under the bridge but was able to hold onto one of the bridge’s pillars. Matthew quickly ran to the bridge and was able to communicate with Ben and pull him back onto the bridge. Ms. Hansen is very grateful for Mathew’s actions and fully supports awarding him the Outstanding Citizen Award. Ms. Hansen and her grandchildren were present along with Matthew Muetzel and his family.

Gale Morley, resident at 152 Baker Drive and Sandy Sander, resident at 204 Baker Drive were present to discuss concerns with the commercial business located behind their properties at 635 W. Bridge St., owned by Williamson Properties LLC and operated as West Central Sanitation. Ms. Sander stated there are concerns about the level of noise, the time of day the noise is happening, and foul smells coming from the property. Ms. Sander and Ms. Morley stated their concerns have been discussed with City Staff as well as the current owners. There has been some improvement to the issues, but the properties are still being negatively affected by the current business operations and they wanted to make Council aware of the issues.

Mr. Muetzel stated Staff has been working with the Ms. Morley and Ms. Sander to address the concerns with the property owner.

Mayor Quackenbush opened a public hearing at 5:16 p.m. to discuss delinquent utility accounts and unpaid surcharges.

Finance Director Klages introduced Resolution No. 36 of 2024 – Resolution Adopting Assessments for Delinquent Accounts and Resolution No. 37 of 2024 – Resolution Adopting Assessments for Unpaid Surcharges.

Ms. Klages stated the proposed Resolutions are to adopt assessments for delinquent utility accounts, maintenance cost charges, and surcharges that are more than 30 days past due. Similar resolutions are brought to the City Council on a quarterly basis in order to improve the time between the delinquent billing and the ability to disclose the information to new property owners. The delinquent account resolutions will be presented each year at the first meeting in January, April, July, and October.

Ms. Klages further explained the delinquent process. Delinquent letters are first mailed to the utility account holders. Delinquent letters are then mailed to the property owners if not collected from the account holders. Electricity consumed by a tenant is not assessable to the property. Any unpaid balance is then brought to Council to be approved by resolution. Any pending assessments passed by resolution and still outstanding as of November 1st will be charged a $50.00 fee and are then transferred to Redwood County to be assessed on the tax rolls.

No one was present to voice any concerns.

Mayor Quackenbush closed the public hearing at 5:17 p.m.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Kerkhoff to waive the reading of Resolution No. 36 of 2024 – Resolution Adopting Assessments for Delinquent Accounts. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Arentson and seconded by Council Member Buckley to approve Resolution No. 36 of 2024 – Resolution Adopting Assessments for Delinquent Accounts. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Buckley to waive the reading of Resolution No. 37 of 2024 – Resolution Adopting Assessments for Unpaid Surcharges. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Kerkhoff and seconded by Council Member Arentson to approve Resolution No. 37 of 2024 – Resolution Adopting Assessments for Unpaid Surcharges. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

City Administrator Muetzel introduced the open Accounts Payable/Payroll Coordinator Position.

Mr. Muetzel stated the reassignment of Rachel Viergutz created an Accounts Payable/Payroll Coordinator position vacancy. Seven interviews were completed by Finance Director Klages, HR Coordinator Sheila Stage, and City Administrator Muetzel. An employment offer was made to Nichole Mathwig to start at grade 6, step 2 of the 2024 Non-Union Step Structure. Ms. Mathwig has accepted the employment offer with an anticipated start date of Monday, July 22, 2024. Staff is requesting approval of the employment offer to Nichole Mathwig.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to approve the employment offer to Nichole Mathwig for the Accounts Payable/Payroll Coordinator Position. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

City Administrator Muetzel introduced the Solid Waste Collection Proposals.

Council Member Sandgren stated to provide full transparency, it is relevant to disclose that a family member is in a relationship with an employee of Sweetman Sanitation. Council Member Sandgren and his family do not have any financial investment in Sweetman Sanitation. The current relationship will not have any bearing on the decision-making ability and participation in the discussion, and voting will be in the best interest of the residents of Redwood Falls. After consulting with the City Attorney and League of MN Cities, Council Member Sandgren will participate in the discussion and vote.

Mr. Muetzel stated the Solid Waste Committee and Staff met on June 25, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. to review the abstract and rank the RFP responses. Proposals were opened on June 25, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. and read aloud in the Council Chambers. The three proposals opened and read allowed in the order received were: Sweetman Sanitation Inc. of Echo, Waste Management of MN, and West Central Sanitation of Willmar. West Central Sanitation of Willmar was the apparent low bidder as residential hauler for the next five-year franchise agreement.  The ranked cumulative scores out of 300 total points are as follows: 291-West Central Sanitation, 268-Sweetman Sanitation and 195-Waste Management of MN.

Mr. Muetzel stated based on the cumulative scoring, the Solid Waste Committee recommends the approval of West Central Sanitation of Willmar to provide services for the next five-year (September 23, 2024 – September 21, 2029), Solid Waste Franchise Agreement. Upon approval of the award, Staff will work to develop the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement, which will be presented to the Redwood Falls City Council on August 6th for final approval.

Council Member Buckley stated support for the Solid Waste Committee’s recommendation to award the bid to West Central Sanitation.

A motion was made by Council Member Buckley to approve the Solid Waste Collection Proposals and accept the bid from West Central Sanitation. Motion failed due to lack of second.

Council Member Smith stated support for Sweetman Sanitation and requested comments from audience members.

Resident Candace Tisue spoke in support of Sweetman Sanitation.

Resident and owner of the Redwood Falls Golf Club Ryan Fernelius described problems he has had with Waste Management.

Residents and members of the Discover Downtown Board, Jessica Johnson, David Steinkraus, and Shannon Guetter spoke in support of Sweetman Sanitation. Sweetman Sanitation provided garbage removal services free of charge to all downtown businesses for a cleanup event.

Resident Tom Ochs spoke in support of Sweetman Sanitation.

Resident Sandy Sander spoke in support of Sweetman Sanitation.

Resident Gale Morley spoke in support of Sweetman Sanitation.

Ray Sweetman, owner of Sweetman Sanitation was present to address Council and discuss the Solid Waste Collection Proposals.

Don Williamson, owner of West Central Sanitation was present to address Council and discuss the Solid Waste Collection Proposals.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Kerkhoff to approve the Solid Waste Collection Proposals and accept the bid from Sweetman Sanitation. Motion passed by the following vote:

AYE:    Council Members Smith, Kerkhoff, Sandgren, and Arentson

NO:      Council Member Buckley

Parks & Recreation Director Ross Nachreiner introduced Resolution No. 38 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City.

Mr. Nachreiner stated Resolution 38 of 2024 is to accept a financial donation in the amount of $13,000 from the Friends of Ramsey Park. The donation allows the City to meet the required match of $7,000.00 per grant guidelines. City staff would like to thank The Friends of the Park for their generous donation. Staff would also like to recognize their continued hard work with the fundraising efforts they do to make the park what it is today. Staff is requesting approval to accept the financial donation from The Friends of the Park.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Smith to waive the reading of Resolution No. 38 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Arentson and seconded by Council Member Smith to approve Resolution No. 38 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Parks & Recreation Director Ross Nachreiner introduced Resolution No. 39 of 2024 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Construction of a Bathroom Facility at Memorial Park.

Mr. Nachreiner stated Resolution No. 39 is to approve the quote and enter into a contract with Salonek, Inc to construct a bathroom facility at the Memorial Park Baseball Field. Within the Parks and Recreation Master Plan as well as a capital budgeted item for 2024 is the construction of a new bathroom facility at the Memorial Park Baseball Field. The bathrooms in the old pool building are currently being used, which are outdated and not ADA compatible.  The new restroom facility will be a two door/stall unisex restroom built within the fenced area of the field just east of the concessions stand and will structurally match the concessions stand. The contractor is responsible for water and sewer hook-up to the facility.

Mr. Nachreiner stated Staff budgeted for 2024, $100,000.00 for this project. An additional $5,000.00 in donations has been secured from the Redwood Valley Baseball Association and $5,000.00 from the Redwood American Legion Post #38.  The remaining funds will come from the Park & Rec capital budget. Two quotes were obtained for the project.  Salonek, Inc.’s quote was $138,520.00 and Everstrong Construction’s quote was $151,530.72. Staff is requesting Council approve Resolution No. 39 of 2024 and accept the quote from Salonek, Inc in the amount of $138,520.00

A motion was made by Council Member Kerkhoff and seconded by Council Member Buckley to waive the reading of Resolution No. 39 of 2024 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Construction of a Bathroom Facility at Memorial Park. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Arentson and seconded by Council Member Smith to approve Resolution No. 39 of 2024 – Authorization to Execute Quote for Construction of a Bathroom Facility at Memorial Park. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Finance Director Klages introduced Resolution No. 40 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City.

Ms. Klages stated Minnesota Statute 465.03 gives the City authority to receive donations and requires them to be formally accepted by resolution, adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Council. Resolution No. 40 is to accept two financial donations from the Redwood Falls Fire Relief Association in a total amount of $4,615.94. The donations are to be used towards the purchase of a pressure washer system and a rescue training dummy for use by the Redwood Falls Fire Department.

A motion was made by Council Member Sandgren and seconded by Council Member Kerkhoff to waive the reading of Resolution No. 40 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson to approve Resolution No. 40 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Library Director Connie Lechner was present to introduce Resolution No. 41 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City.

Ms. Lechner stated Resolution No. 41 of 2024 is to accept a donation from the Redwood Area Library Foundation.  Anne and Chad Johnson donated $2,365.00 to the Library Foundation for a fiberglass book bench to be placed on a cement slab at the Library in memory of Anne’s mother. This had been approved in 2019 by the City Council but had not been re-addressed post-Covid, so it was advised to request current approval.

Ms. Lechner further stated the Capital Bonding Application completed by Engan Associates became a larger expense than previously estimated.  The City Council had approved $5,200.00 at the April 2nd meeting from the Capital Projects Fund.  The total amount due is $16,835.25.  The Redwood Area Library Foundation has agreed to donate $5,500.00 with Engan Associates agreeing to cover the balance of $6,135.25 as an in-kind donation for a physical marker with their name and logo near the entrance of the Library Expansion space when it occurs. Staff is requesting approval to accept the financial donation from the Redwood Area Library Foundation for the book bench and Engan Associates balance due in the amount of $7,865.00.

Ms. Lechner stated due to a mathematical error, the total donation amount was listed incorrectly on the resolution that was provided to Council. The donation amounts have not changed but the total donation being received has been changed on the resolution to reflect the correct total of $7,865.00.

A motion was made by Council Member Arentson and seconded by Council Member Sandgren to waive the reading of Resolution No. 41 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Council Member Kerkhoff and seconded by Council Member Smith to approve Resolution No. 41 of 2024 – A Resolution Accepting A Donation To The City. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Police Chief Jason Cotner was present to introduce the Police Department Body Worn Camera Audit.

Chief Cotner stated on or about, June 1, 2022 Redwood Falls Police Department deployed the Axon Body Worn Camera (BWC) system for use by officers while on patrol. By state statute, once a BWC system is deployed by a law enforcement agency an audit of the system and all the data collected must be audited every two years from the date of deployment. On April 12, 2024, Lynn Lembcke of Lynn Lembcke Consulting conducted the very first audit of the RFPD BWC program. On June 17, 2024, Police Chief Jason Cotner received the final draft of her report and confirmed no discrepancies in any of the audit categories were found. Per statute, the final draft of the audit must be submitted to the Redwood Falls City Council as well as several officials with the State of Minnesota who oversee BWC Data Practices.

A motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Buckley to approve the results of the Police Department Body Worn Camera Audit. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

City Administrator Muetzel stated work on the 4th Street reconstruction project has slowed due to the weather but the contractor continues to make progress.

City Administrator Muetzel stated there was some minor damage to a road in North Redwood due to the recent flooding but there hasn’t been any other major damage incurred from flooding. City Staff is keeping track of any expenses incurred from flooding, but FEMA requires at least $3,900.00 in damages before receiving any reimbursement. The City has not met that threshold for damages at this time.

Bills and Claims were presented to the Council for informational purposes.  No questions, comments or concerns were raised.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Council Member Smith and seconded by Council Member Arentson to adjourn the meeting at 6:24 p.m. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


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